Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is Social Media a Fad? - Social Networking Workshop Part II

In part II of my Social Networking Workshop, I cover the key question that small and medium businesses have on social networking (see my previous post).  They include: Is social media a fad?  Will it take too much time?  Does it matter?  These slides address some of those questions and I speak to those points and walk the attendees through exercises to apply the fit check for their business.Snsb section july 30 section ii

Please note that, unfortunately the SlideShare widget, strips out some of the embedded media and links.  There are two key videos that I share that you should spend the time to watch to better understand this matter.  The first is  Is Social Media a Fad?

The second video is by Seth Godin answering the question about Is Social Media right for Small Business. Seth really explains the difference between "friends" and "real relationships" and how the latter is what can drive your business.

Parts III - V will be posted in coming days.  If you would like to book Bret to present a workshop on social media and networking or provide consulting to your business, contact him here.

So, what do you think about Social Media? What's been your experience?  Please add a comment.

View more presentations from Bret Conkin.